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Keeping classic Minis on the road since 1974

(800) 992-7007 | (530) 886-0771

Open House 2006

May 20, 2006: The open house was a great success, with about 32 Classic Minis and 28 BMW MINIs, an 1100 Vanden Plas, MG Midget and Morris Minor, and about 75 people. There was strong turnout from the Redwood Empire Mini Enthusiasts, all sporting matching t-shirts and great enthusiasm. Mini Owners of America San Francisco, NorCal Minis, Sierra Sports Car Group, and other local clubs were also represented. There was even one long-distance traveler who flew in from Arizona.

All enjoyed a great BBQ, cooked by Michael Kearney himself, with hamburgers, bratwurst, and all the fixin's. Mike also installed two windshields and an exhaust system, drawing a great audience. The weather was excellent, and there were even a few swap meet items. About twenty door-prizes were awarded by drawing, evenly divided between Classic and New Mini.

For more photos, visit Steve's site .