Products 1-29 of 29
Price: $109.50
9/11/2017 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: 37H2014 -
OEM brake backing plate assembly for twin leading shoe front brakes; left side. Ref: 37H2014, 4461-733.
Price: $109.50
9/11/2017 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: 37H2013 -
OEM brake backing plate assembly for twin leading shoe front brakes; right side. Ref: 37H2013, 4651-732.
Price: $1.15
6/20/2023 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: SMP100030 -
Rubber cap made to fit the HDWS279 large brake bleed screw. Ref: SMP100030, 3H2428.
Price: $2.95
4/13/2021 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: HDWS279 -
This is the larger of the two brake bleed screw sizes used commonly on the classic Mini. Ref: HDWS279, 3H2428.
Price: $2.95
4/13/2021 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: HDWS289 -
The smaller of the two brake bleed screw sizes used commonly on the classic Mini, primarily on rear wheel cylinders. Ref: HDWS289, 513118, 513118A.
Item #: HDWB2742/M -
Small bolt as used on classic Mini wheel cylinders, timing covers, and 1974-on one-piece radiator housing. Ref: HDWB2742, SH604031, 7H7250, SH604031M, ARA1117M.
Item #: 17H7619 -
Screw used to force the brake shoe adjusting wedges outward to compensate for wear of the friction material over time. Ref: 17H7619.
Item #: SBR0075 -
Complete set of bolt-on front brake backing plates with shoes, wheel cylinders, springs, etc. Ref: SBR0075, MS2693.
Price: $49.95
12/8/2022 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GDB105EBC -
Cast iron brake drum, without built-in spacer; fits the front of all drum-braked classic Minis. Ref: GDB105EBC, GDB0105-EBC, EBC, EBCDM019.
Price: $41.95
6/5/2018 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GDB0105 -
This drum fits the front of all drum-braked classic Minis and the rears of all that don't require a built-in wheel spacer. Ref: GDB105, MDD100, 21A22.
Price: $41.95
12/13/2020 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GDB0106 -
Rear brake drum with integral spacer, for Mk1 classic Mini Cooper and S; can be used at the rear on on all later disc brake classic Minis. Ref: GDB106, 21A1279, GDB183.
Item #: SPA10 -
10'' long brake pipe to the front wheel cylinders on classic Minis. Ref: SPA10, HF10.
Price: $12.95
11/2/2021 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: AAU8243KIT -
Set of four modern-style single-coil return springs for front twin-leading shoe drum brakes. Ref: GBK1733, AAU8243, AAU8243KIT.
Price: $26.50
7/10/2017 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GBS0701E -
1.25'' wide shoes for rear drums on all classic Minis. Also fits front of single leading shoe classic Minis. Ref: GBS101MS, GBS0701E, BS524.
Price: $26.95
6/3/2022 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GBS834AF -
Premium 1.25''-wide shoes for rear drums on all classic Minis, made by Mintex Ref: GBS0701, GBS834AF, BBS6247.
Price: $26.50
8/10/2017 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GBS0733E -
1.5''-wide shoes for front of twin-leading shoe brakes. Ref: GBS102MS, GBS733, GBS102.
Price: $34.95
5/9/2022 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GBS0733 -
Mintex 1.5'' wide brake shoes for front of classic Minis equipped with twin-leading shoe brakes. Ref: GBS733, GBS0733AF, MBS6, BS525.
Item #: HDWS288 -
Short Pozidrive head screw used to retain the front drum and standard rear drum to the drive flange or rear hub. Ref: CMZ407, HDWS288, DS1X100.
Item #: SF604051 -
Small Pozidrive head screw as used in drive flange and brake drum applications. 0.51'' thread length. Ref: SF604051.
Item #: 27H3753 -
Used only on the 15/16'' late twin leading shoe setup, these small springs steady the brake shoes to the wheel cylinder. Ref: 27H3753.
Item #: 37H4642 -
Gasket between wheel cylinder and backing plate. Fits all backing plates with only one wheel cylinder. Ref: 37H4642.
Item #: 37H3833 -
Gasket that fits between the wheel cylinder and backing plate on twin leading shoe models; fits both early and late wheel cylinders. Ref: 37H3833.
Item #: 8G8816 -
Repair kit that fits early twin leading shoe brake classic Minis with .80'' wheel cylinders only. Ref: 8G8816, LK10554, 51043.
Item #: BHM7068 -
Wheel cylinder repair kit, 15/16'', twin leading shoe brakes. Requires one (1) kit per cylinder.
Item #: 17H7949 -
Metal spring circlip to attach the wheel cylinder to the brake backing plate.
Price: $48.50
2/17/2020 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GWC0101E -
Single wheel cylinder that attaches to the front backing plate on early drum-brake classic Minis; 15/16'' bore. Ref: GWC101, GWC0101E.
Item #: GWC0102/3 -
Front wheel cylinder for early twin-leading shoe brakes as found on early Minis through 1967, and the classic Mini Moke through 1968. Ref: GWC102, GWC103.
Price: $13.95
4/23/2020 12:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GWC0126E/7E -
Budget-minded aftermarket twin-leading-shoe wheel cylinders; 15/16'' bore as used on later models. Ref: GWC126, GWC127, GWC126MS, GWC127MS.
Price: $31.50
4/22/2020 2:00:00 AM
Pending Warehouse Check
Item #: GWC126/7 -
Front wheel cylinders for twin-leading-shoe classic Minis; 15/16'' bore. Ref: GWC126, GWC127, LW12050, LW12051.
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